Thursday, January 26, 2012

Pregnancy Dreams

So the past few weeks I have been having bizarre dreams. Anything from dancing fruit to having to use the bathroom and cant find one. All are perfectly normal dreams due to a pregnancy but they seem sooo weird. Probably because they seem so real to me. The colors are bright and everything. One dream I had I was walking down a busy street and all of the sudden there was a chocolate bar in front of me. It was dancing and singing. All I wanted to do was eat it. I went after it like it was my only source of food for a month! It ran away from me but I caught it by jumping on it and tackling it to the ground. I then ate like I hadnt eaten in weeks and I wasnt going to get anything but this for months. It was so weird cause I totally didnt know I was dreaming until I woke up. This is just one of the odd dreams I have had. As interesting as they are I honestly hope that most of them go away! I feel like I am going crazy! I do have the normal dreams where we have the baby and everything turns out fine. In those dreams the baby is a healthy baby girl!

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