Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ronald W. Jensen

My Grandfather past away last night around 11:30. He lived a long and great life. It was interesting to me that he passed away on his anniversary to my Grandmother who passed away 5 years ago. He chose to be with my Grandma. He was such a funny man. When we were little he told us stories before bed. They were all about Mr. Magoo. For those who dont know who that is. Mr. Magoo was an old blind man with big glasses that tried to do things on his own. These stories always made us laugh. When I was 11 we had a daddy daughter date in my ward. Both of my fathers were unable to make it. So Grandpa came with me. That meant a lot to me when I was little. These are my fondest memories with my Grandfather. I love him so much and will miss him very much. I am glad he is reunited with my Grandma and his 4 children that he has lost. Grandpa you will be missed, loved, and adored.

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